January 2021
Sky Masters
Sky Masters has brought a completely new experience to Qatar’s desert.
Having a mutual passion for flying, Mohammed AlYafei and Ali Al-Saadi founded Sky Masters with the hope to share this love with others.

A form of “ultralight aviation”, a paramotor enables the pilot to take off the ground while wearing a motor on their back. Meanwhile the paratrike is a three-wheeled car with a motor, allowing an instructor to give an accompanying rider. Lastly, paragliding is a form lightweight, free flying with a parachute.
Sky Masters offer training courses for those interested in developing this passion to explore the skies on their own. With their accredited master instructors, amateur flyers can earn their international paragliding licenses.

Although desert activities remain a popular pastime for both locals and tourists in Qatar, these new attractions are a great addition to the Inland Sea.